10 Quotes from the Pros to Inspire your B2B Marketing

July 25, 2017

Offering up advice is all well and good, but we often find that B2B marketers and businessmen know exactly what they’re doing. They have a good handle on best practices, they’ve put a lot of thought into their business model and their marketing campaigns, and they’re about as well prepared for success as they’re ever likely to be.

But sometimes, they’re held back by their own trepidation, and too often we see people who are too afraid to execute because they lack the self-belief that you need if you want to make it out there as an entrepreneur.

Today, then, we wanted to mix things up a bit. Instead of offering practical tips and hands-on advice, we wanted to share ten quotes from two thought-leaders which could give you the confidence you need to finally bite the bullet and get started.

Let’s go.

Jason Calacanis

Calacanis is one of those interesting characters who’s done a little bit of everything. Technically speaking, he’s an entrepreneur, investor, author, blogger, father and talk show host, and he’s known for capitalising on the growth of blogs during the original dot-com boom. Calacanis now mostly focuses on investing in technology start-ups – most notably Uber – and on delivering keynote speeches around the world.

Here’s just a little of Calacanis’ wisdom on everything from finding balance to the daily struggle.

  1. Go work at the post office or Starbucks if you want balance in your life.
  2. You have to have a big vision and take very small steps to get there. You have to be humble as you execute but visionary and gigantic in terms of your aspiration.
  3. If folks focus in on a niche and own it, there is a good chance they could make half a living from blogging.
  4. Things that look like an ‘overnight success’ typically are not.
  5. If the founder comes to work every day, and it’s a struggle, that permeates the whole organization.

Find out more about Jason Calacanis.


Tony Robbins

Robbins describes himself as an entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist and the nation’s #1 life and business strategist. Over four million people have attended his live seminars, and the companies that he founded earn around $5 billion in annual sales. Robbins has five books on the market, four of which were bestsellers, and has offered one-to-one sessions to a diverse range of clients including Bill Clinton, Wayne Gretzky, Serena Williams, Hugh Jackman, Steve Wynn, Marc Benioff and Pitbull.

The interesting thing about Robbins is that while Calacanis is a pessimistic realistic, Robbins has a more optimistic and inspirational take on self-improvement. Here’s just some of his wisdom.

  1. Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
  2. Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.
  3. The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.
  4. A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.
  5. People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them.

Find out more about Tony Robbins.