B2B Business Book Review: The New Rules of Marketing and PR by David Meerman Scott

September 23, 2017

Today, we’re continuing our foray into the best books for B2B businesspeople by taking a look at one of the big bestsellers. The New Rules of Marketing and PR is one of those best-practice books that became a bestseller because if you don’t read it, you fall behind.

If you read our previous reviews of Inbound Marketing and Permission Marketing then you’ll know roughly what to expect from this. The general idea is the same – the world of marketing has been irreversibly changed by the rise of the internet and the newly-empowered consumer, and marketers need a new rulebook. A rulebook like this one.

And if you’re not convinced that David Meerman Scott knows what he’s talking about, his own name is a great example of his marketing savvy. Scott shares the same name as an American astronaut and so he adopted his middle name for his books and his thought-leadership so that there wouldn’t be any conflict between the two of them on search engines.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR

In a nutshell, The New Rules of Marketing and PR is chock full of different concepts that you can apply to contemporary marketing, as well as a number of examples that show the strategies in action and even some explanation of how we got from the old style to the new style. Better still, the concepts are timeless and easy to apply to virtually any business of any size in any niche, and it goes one better than traditional marketing books by covering public relations as well.

When the first edition of the book came out, people were still struggling to understand the new landscape, but now that we’re heading ever closer to 2020, social networking technologies and blog sites are no longer new to us. We all have a rough idea of how to use them, even if we’re occasionally unaware of the finer points of digital strategy.

Luckily, the concepts that the author shares are still as relevant today as they were when it was first published, and the book is regularly updated and reissued. Just make sure that you buy the latest edition instead of trying to skimp on costs by buying an outdated second hand copy.

More Books by David Meerman Scott

Like many of the authors that we’ve looked at in our review series, David Meerman Scott has several other books on the market that are worth reading if you want to learn some more of his wisdom. In particular, we’d recommend Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead, which he co-wrote with Brian Halligan of HubSpot. It’s refreshing to see marketing talked about in a new way, and the case studies that they share will make you rethink your entire perception of the history of marketing.

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