B2B Business Book Review: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

September 16, 2017

Sometimes we make the best decisions when we stick with our gut instinct. We’re not saying that data isn’t important, but we are saying that sometimes we don’t have access to as much data as we’d like. Sometimes we do have access to all of that data but we spend so long trying to analyse it and to arrive at a decision that we lose any competitive advantage that we might have had.

That’s where Malcolm Gladwell comes in. The visionary businessman, thought leader and marketing genius has written a number of different books that shine a light into how to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape, but it’s Blink that arguably has the most to offer to people – especially if they haven’t read any of his other work.

Today, we’re continuing our look at some of the best B2B books on the market by taking a closer look at Blink and sharing some of the top insights that you’ll pick up if you give it a read. Let’s go!


The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Blink is over ten years old by now, but it’s remarkable how well it’s stood the test of time. Part of that is due to the fact that it espouses a way of thinking – albeit a way of thinking without thinking – that’s highly versatile and can be adapted for a whole heap of different situations. It takes its basis from the fields of psychology and behavioural economics but presents it in the form of popular science that you can easily apply to your own business and life.

One of the most important concepts that Gladwell covers is the idea of “thin-slicing”, which is all about using a limited amount of information to draw a conclusion. It’s a little bit like making an educated guess, except it’s carried out deliberately when it’s important to react quickly, and it’s a technique that we already use automatically – such as when we’re driving or playing computer games.

Gladwell believes that while we often ‘blink’ without realising it, it’s also something that we can train ourselves to do. By knowing how and when to blink, you can speed up your reaction times and improve your overall performance, and the ability to blink becomes increasingly important as the speed of modern business continues to develop.

Ultimately, the strategies in Blink will push you to change your way of thinking and to be a more responsive businessman. And you can bet your boots that if you’re not taking advantage of Gladwell’s teachings, your competitors certainly are.

More Books by Malcolm Gladwell

Of course, it’s not just Blink that Gladwell has to offer – he’s also the author of a number of other bestselling books including Outliers: The Story of Success, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference and David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants. All of his books are insightful and thought-provoking and so it’s worth picking them all up if you get the chance.

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