How Gary Vaynerchuk is Landing His Right Hook

February 13, 2018

Back in 2013, marketing thought leader and all-round hustler Gary Vaynerchuk released a book called Jab Jab Jab Right Hook in which he offered up a philosophy for people to adopt when carrying out their content marketing campaigns.

The general idea is to provide helpful or entertaining content consistently over time in the form of a series of jabs with no direct sales call-to-action. Then, when you’re ready to post a sales message, your followers should be primed and ready so when that right hook lands, they make a purchase.

But what’s interesting about this approach is that we can see it in action, and never more so than now that he has a new book out. After all, he’s spent the last god knows how long releasing episodes of his #DailyVee show, which takes you behind the scenes as he runs his business and works with both high-profile clients and up-and-coming celebrities.

The Right Hook

Vaynerchuk believes that in the future it’ll become more common for high-profile businessmen to create vlogs and other similar content. We have a model for it already, and you just have to look at reality TV stars to see people who are famous just for being famous. It’s also worth noticing that much of what Vaynerchuk does is B2B and yet video content still works well for him.

But because so much of this content is created and shared for free, and because the content itself is actually adding value to people’s lives by inspiring, educating or entertaining them, when he came out with a new book at the start of 2018, he didn’t really need to sell it. All he had to do was to start talking about it and people rushed to pre-order it because they wanted to show their support. He’d loosened them up with his jabs so that when the right hook landed, it had a powerful effect.

This has happened before, too. Vaynerchuk used his vlog to almost singlehandedly launch a line of sneakers, which wouldn’t work for 99.9% of business thought leaders but which worked for him because of his brand. In fact, just watching the daily episodes of his show is a great way to pick up the basics of personal branding and jab, jab, jabbing first-hand.


We’ve talked about Vaynerchuk on our blog in the past and it’s likely that we’ll talk about him again in the future. That’s because whether you love him or hate him, it’s hard to deny that he gets it right more often than he gets it wrong. He also doesn’t just talk the talk – he walks the walk, and many of the tactics and strategies that he shares are based on what’s worked both for he himself and for his company’s clients.

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