The No Sales Call Close Mindset – 8 Ways To Close More Deals In The Next 30 Days

What do you need to have in place to support a no sales call close? 

A “no sales call close” mindset for me is all about focusing on reducing your sales cycle. This is something to always be striving towards. When you take this approach with the correct implementation, it can help shorten your sales cycle and get higher-quality leads through the door.

While many sales professionals are focused on generating dozens of sales calls, you should question whether this is efficient. I would argue that adopting the ‘no sales call close’ mindset forces you to enhance your sales funnel and place an emphasis on automating sales, building sales assets, and what I like to call “sales funnel leverage”. When it comes to closing a sale, your input shouldn’t be the missing piece of the puzzle.

If your sales team wants to increase conversations rates, they must be committed to shortening the sales cycle. The “no sales call close” mindset is crucial to building a scalable sales machine that can be automated to a large extent. This is why I’m such a big fan of partnering with sales acceleration service offerings like

After building several successful productized services, I have been mentoring founders and encouraging them to start thinking differently about their service businesses. To scale your service business, you should consider productizing your offering through set packages and deliverables that have been clearly outlined. This will enable you to build the right systems and streamline your sales process.

My name is Tyler Gillespie, The Thinking Time Chief at Productized Services. After scaling and selling productized services for nearly a decade, I’ve accumulated a wealth of experience on the power of systematization. Through the practice of developing repeatable systems that fire on all cylinders, I have built businesses that have been profitable, scalable, and easy to exit.

When I work with a founder, my goal is to help them become largely redundant from daily business operations and sales. If this is achieved, it can be very attractive to potential buyers. You need to focus on implementing the right systems at every stage of the customer journey. If your sales funnel is heavily dependent on your personal interaction with prospects, this isn’t scalable.

In this guide, I’m going to explore some key ways for your business to become less dependent on sales calls. If you can close more sales without lifting a finger or scheduling time to hop on sales calls, you’re putting yourself at a strategic advantage. The more time you have, the more you will be able to obsessively focus on customer experience to increase activation and retention.

To be clear, the “no sales call close mindset” is more about approaching your sales funnel with the idea of making key chess moves to support a “no sales call close” whether you still have to have a call or not. What you will find is the calls you do end up having will be better primed, nurtured, and ready to buy from you. That is the ultimate goal I’m advocating.

Below are 6 chess moves to help you start moving closer to creating a “No Sales Call Close environment”.

Let’s GO!

1. Produce video testimonials and leverage across all channels

The average website visitor moves away from a page within 15 seconds – but the average video viewing time is nearly 3 minutes. If you want to hold the attention of website visitors and inspire consumer confidence, video testimonials are an essential sales asset. Those leveraging video testimonials in their sales funnels are reducing the need for sales calls to take place.

If a prospect is concerned about your ability to deliver, video testimonials from successful customers will remove any doubt. When you’re targeting a narrowly defined market, these assets are particularly valuable. For a video testimonial to be effective, prospects must be able to relate to the original problem the customer was trying to solve.

You want prospects desiring to be in the same situation as the customers being profiled in the video testimonials. These customers should have once faced the same problem the prospects are currently facing. While this all sounds straightforward, it’s vital to make sure prospects can relate to those in these testimonials and project themselves succeeding in a similar way.

While video testimonials are certainly useful as part of your website’s sales funnel, this isn’t the only place to leverage these assets. In reality, video testimonials can be used across all of your marketing channels. For instance, video testimonials can be included in your email marketing campaigns through a drip sequence to boost consumer confidence and engage prospects.

Placement also counts. Leverage these assets on your website, sales pages, thank you pages, and integrate them into your welcome and nurture email series. These are powerful assets and your sales team’s best friends.

2. Develop Case Studies, then bake these into your sales funnel

Compelling case studies provide prospective customers with insights on service delivery processes. Naturally, prospects are going to be curious about how you deliver results and well-written case studies can help to break this down. The more statistics you can include in these case studies, the better – because they can be used as evidence to support the stories.

Case studies can be used at several stages of your sales funnel. You will often find these assets being used at the beginning of a sales funnel to create brand awareness. Even though this can be extremely effective, I also believe these assets can be used to close sales and can be positioned in the final stages of a sales funnel for maximum impact.

When it comes to sealing the deal and getting prospects over the finish line, sharing your success stories can be immensely powerful. Exceptional case studies use a storytelling narrative to explain the problems faced by customers and how they were solved with the service. If this narrative resonates with your prospects, everything will come together.

Rather than jumping on sales calls all day, you should let assets like case studies do the talking. If your sales process is heavily reliant on your input, this isn’t scalable. Building assets like case studies will enable you to construct a sales mechanism that requires minimal human input. It is every founder’s dream for their service to sell itself. With the right assets, it’s possible.

3. Create a robust “media rich” FAQ section, and add it to your website

Frequently asked question pages can help to address specific concerns or issues that may enter a prospect’s mind. To write an FAQ section, you need to put yourself in the prospect’s shoes and consider what stands in the way of them making a purchase. There are always reasons behind hesitancy. You must identify what these could be and address them.

A strong FAQ section will link to rich media content, such as short videos and blog posts. When you have a robust FAQ section with rich media content, you’re providing prospects with enough value to shorten the sales cycle. Ultimately, an effective FAQ section will be an asset during the sales process. If a prospect has a query, you should be pointing them towards the FAQ section.

The questions should be written from the prospect’s perspective. The answers should be short and to the point. If you provide answers that are several paragraphs in length, this can actually overwhelm the reader and make the question seem like a bigger deal than it perhaps was. In other words, you should provide readers with clear-cut answers to clear-cut questions.

When you’re constructing your FAQ section, you should consider the circumstances of your target market. What challenges are they currently facing? To close the sale, what questions must they know the answer to? If you’re struggling to think of suitable questions to include in your FAQ section, this is a sign of a much broader problem.

A founder’s cognitive biases can destroy the overall effectiveness of a sales funnel. It is quite common for founders to forget who they’re building a product or service for. Market orientation is critical to the success of any sales funnel. You must identify the struggles of your prospects and address these in your FAQ section. To summarize, here are the steps you need to take:

  • Identify questions that could be preventing you from closing more sales.
  • Make a list of these questions and prioritize them based on their significance.
  • Use simple language to concisely answer these questions.
  • Organize the FAQs into different categories for easy navigation.
  • Create a search bar for your customers to quickly find answers.

You can use a tool like Hotjar to understand how users are experiencing your website – without drowning in numbers and excessive data. Hotjar keeps things simple with heatmaps and live recordings of user navigation. This tool could provide you with crucial insights on how website visitors are interacting with your FAQ section and which questions they want answers to.

4. Craft an Irresistible Offer with a genuine sense of urgency

To skip past a sales call and pull a prospect over the line, you need to craft an irresistible offer. There needs to be a genuine sense of urgency behind this offer that compels prospects to take action without any delay. When an irresistible offer captures the attention of a prospect, a sales call won’t be necessary and you will be closing sales without any real effort.

An irresistible offer should be scattered throughout your sales funnel. Rather than providing the prospects with multiple offers, you should attempt to hook them on one. When they see the same offer being repeated throughout the funnel, this adds a level of significance and weight to the proposition. The offer needs to be communicated in just a few words for maximum impact.

When you’re attempting to craft an irresistible offer, here are some questions you should ask:

  • What challenge is my target market wrestling with?
  • What are their goals and ambitions?
  • How can I make this offer better than anything else out there?
  • How can I make the potential customer’s life easier?
  • How can I bring the potential customer closer to their goals?
  • Can I splinter the offer and create a more attractive entry point offer?
  • What immediate problem do they need to solve?
  • How can I reverse the risk with a bold and ambitious guarantee?
  • Does my offer provide a sense of transformation?
  • How can I create scarcity with this offer?
  • How can I create urgency with this offer?
  • Is my offer worth double or triple what I’m charging?
  • Is the ROI clearly communicated?

If you can answer these questions, you’re on the right track. Crafting an irresistible offer is tough. In some cases, it may take you outside of your comfort zone. This is about getting customers through the door. You should pull out all the stops to make this happen. Adding scarcity and urgency to your offer can be incredibly powerful.

For maximum effect, you may choose to unveil your irresistible offer at the very end of your sales funnel. Ultimately, decisions like these should be made with data. If you’re noticing a clear disconnect at a certain stage of the sales funnel, you may want to adjust the position of the offer or restructure the funnel entirely. The offer should essentially propel the prospect over the line.

5. Create a strong guarantee to reinforce the value proposition

Creating a strong guarantee and positioning this in your funnel can turbocharge your sales efforts. To understand why a strong guarantee is crucial to getting prospects over the line, you need to recognize the perceived risks of purchasing your product or service. When they’re weighing up a purchase, here are the risks that could go through the mind of a customer:

  • They might be nervous about making the wrong decision.
  • They might be scared about losing money and time.
  • They might be worried about not receiving what they asked for.
  • They might be anxious about not being able to recoup their investment.

All four of these fears can be addressed with a strong guarantee. Providing a strong guarantee is the best strategy to help prospects overcome their fears. You’re essentially offering them a safety net to ensure they don’t get affected by any of these risks. Their concerns are real and should be treated as such. If you want to secure sales, you need to create safety nets.

To seek assurance, many customers will want to hop on a call with you to talk about your product or service. When you have a strong guarantee that is communicated across all sales materials, a call may no longer be necessary. With the ‘no sales call close’ mindset, you should be focused on giving prospects everything they need to make a decision without intervention.

Here are just a few steps you can take to create a strong guarantee:

  • Look at your competitors and consider their strengths.
  • Guarantee results in your offer.
  • Pick a payback, such as a money-back guarantee.
  • Start with a small offer and track your results.
  • Break down your guarantee to make it powerful.

6. Create high-value content offers and strategic lead magnets

To build more trust and value, you need to think about leveraging high-value content offers during the sales process. Long-form content, such as e-books and comprehensive how-to guides could be leveraged as lead magnets. Take the time to carefully craft a long-form resource that confidently addresses a specific problem faced by your target market.

If you can communicate your industry knowledge and expertise in this content, this will inevitably increase consumer confidence and increase conversions. When you have a high-value content offer, this should be strategically placed at the core of your funnel.

7. Retargeting Ads

If you successfully manage to get a customer to click on your website, this shouldn’t be their final touchpoint with your brand. Retargeting advertising can actively target people that have navigated away from your website without completing the desired action. Retargeting ads are powerful tools for reengaging prospects and continuing to drive brand awareness.

In your retargeting efforts, you should aim to leverage high-value content offers that solve a specific problem faced by your target market. The more focused and niche the problem is, the better. This will help to position your business as an authority. has mastered the art of retargeting ads to capture the attention of B2B companies.

8. Create an army of “Sales & Marketing” Soldiers

When it comes to closing sales, asset creation for your sales process can generate tremendous leverage. You should be spending a significant amount of time building up assets that can act as sales and marketing soldiers. The goal should be to produce as many assets as you can that don’t revolve around your 1:1 selling of your service. These are critical to getting prospects over the finish line without the need for 1:1 interactions.

To create these assets, you should start thinking about common questions that prospects ask you on sales calls. You can build pieces of content around each of these questions. Whether it’s a blog post or a short video, you can experiment with different mediums to consider their ability to convert. The more sales and marketing soldiers you have, the stronger you’ll be.

Are you looking to optimize the sales funnel for your digital service business? 

I’m actively supporting a small group of business owners, including several agency founders, to enhance their growth potential. 

If you’ve been dreaming about turning six-figure years into six-figure months, check out some of the free resources I have around productizing your service business here. I hope you’ve enjoyed a taste of my insights with this article. Keep building!