Why You Should Obsess About Efficiency

Obsession is a strong word, but we think it’s justified here. That’s because when you start to obsess about efficiency, you find new ways to think about your business and end up saving yourself – and your clients – huge amounts of time.

It’s your clients in particular that we’re going to talk about today. After all, if you’re able to improve the efficiency of your clients’ businesses then they’re going to be more than happy to pay you almost anything you ask for. Let’s face it, time is the only resource that money can’t buy, as much as we might be tempted to try.

Efficiency isn’t just something that can save your company money. It can actually be a powerful marketing tool and a great way to stand out from your competitors. This is especially true when you’re a B2B company. After all, if you’re providing a product or service for another company then you’re in the perfect place to help them to be more efficient.




How to use efficiency as a sales tool

Take a few seconds to ask yourself how you’re representing your company to potential customers. How do you describe it and how do you sell it? Now take a few more moments to look at how you save your customers time. If you’re an accountancy firm, for example, then perhaps you’re taking on their financial needs and stopping the founder from spending his evenings looking through shoeboxes full of receipts.

Here at Bant.io, we specialise in lead generation. We know from working with our clients that we drive huge efficiencies by reducing the amount of time and money they spend on marketing. We also tailor our messaging for every campaign, which means that we only generate leads that are super relevant. This drives more efficiencies by reducing the amount of time our clients need to spend qualifying leads before they try to sell to them.

Whatever it is that you do, the chances are that at least part of your offering is about saving your customers time and effort. This is what you need to focus on and what you need to accentuate in your marketing materials and your sales calls. If you can get your existing customers to provide short written or video testimonials where they talk about how you made their company more efficient, your product will start to sell itself.





Let’s face it – modern life is getting more and more fast-paced as time goes on, and many of us are struggling just to keep up with. That’s why if you can find a way to save people time – even if it’s just five minutes – then they’re going to want to work with you. And conversely, if you’re constantly taking up their time when they have more important things to be doing, they’re not going to stick around for long.

Struggling with sales and marketing? Don’t worry – we’re here to help you to gather the leads you need to boost your business. Request a demo of Bant.io to find out how we can help your company to grow by sending hot B2B leads directly to your inbox. You won’t regret it.