Five YouTube Channels for Busy B2B Marketers

A lot of people are quick to dismiss YouTube as a waste of time. They think that it’s full of teenagers filming themselves playing computer games, trolls in comments sections and cute cat videos. And in many ways, they’re right.

But YouTube is also much more than that. As well as being the second largest search engine in the world (behind Google, which owns it), it’s also a social networking site in its own right. It has its own community, as well as additional sub communities within that. So whatever your passion, whether it’s lead generation or whether it’s knitting and crocheting, you’ll be able to find a YouTube channel that covers it.

Still, it’s not easy to get started if you don’t know what to look for, which is where this post comes in. Here are just five of our favourite YouTube channels for B2B marketers.


Who to subscribe to on YouTube

1. B2B Marketing

This is the official YouTube channel of, and so as such it contains a mixture of interesting interviews and quick Q&As, as well as presentations and keynote speeches from some of the different events they put on. There’s some great behind the scenes stuff from their B2B Awards.

2. Digital Trends

The clue is in the name, here. Digital Trends is all about helping people to navigate the increasingly complex world of digital technology, which means it’ll help you to stay up-to-date with what’s going on in your own industry and others. If it uses technology, Digital Trends is likely to cover it.

3. Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and marketing guru, and his YouTube channel takes you behind the scenes as he navigates the world of business. The concepts and advice that he shares are applicable to companies of all sizes and all industries and it’s inspirational to see someone out there who’s making things happen.

4. Webcertain TV

This channel belongs to an agency that specialises in global marketing, and their global marketing news videos reflect that. Subscribe to them for updates every weekday with the latest marketing news, trends, insights and more.

5. The Drum

The Drum is a leading marketing magazine and their YouTube content taps into that. They don’t necessarily focus on B2B marketing, but they don’t shy away from it either – and best of all, they also interview a number of leading thinkers who are more than happy to share their insights.


By now, you should have a good idea of how YouTube and its creators can help you to keep an eye on the latest developments in your industry. You should even have enough ammunition to explain to your boss and your co-workers why you always have a YouTube video on in the background while you’re working. Now you just need to go out there and start subscribing.

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